I’m gonna be a business person!

Err…it’s about a part-time course which I enrolled on the other day.

I heard I can do other courses apart from my main course. As it is an art college, they have a lot of different courses such as Photography, Video, Music, Printing, Design etc… Since I heard that courses related to digital media is mainly the basic of software, I excluded them from the choice. At first I was thinking of taking photography…. but well, it doesn’t cost, so maybe I can take something which I’m really not good at (= unlikely to pay for the course even in the future). To be honest, I don’t know anything about business, so I decided to take a course related to business.

It was the first day yesterday. My impression of the teacher was, “She is from completely different world!” …in a good meaning. I need her now. I don’t mean to want to be an entrepreneur or something, but it seems the course covers the basic knowledge of business, as well as skills to promote yourself in art/design industry. I think it’s really good for me.

Also, I was so excited that all of students are from different area. I hope to have a new network which is not related to media.

So, will I be a business person at the end of the course? To be continued…

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